Deceptive dark academia and magical portal fantasy that will titillate & ignite your imagination

Lanelle and Dion are twins who are excited about going to high school. Until, their parents sit them down and tell them they are going to boarding school…for spies. But, the surprises don’t stop there. 

Ever wonder what it would be like to travel to a magical garden? Ayanna doesn’t. She has bigger things to navigate, like being dark skin with natural hair in her high school. Damien on the other hand Doesn’t know what he would do without his access to the Sacred Garden. 

What our customers write about us


I loved how easy breezy this book was to jump in to. If you pick this up, you will read it quick

Brenda L. George


This was a quick, fun read for me. Exciting, young adult story with teenage romance, deception, suspense, and magic

Miss Reid

Hey hey Yall! What’s up?

Sheyanne Warren has been an Indie Author since 2018. However, her love for books did not begin there.

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